Life fitness Journal #1 Round 2

 Challenges have always come consistent in my life. When looking at my health I believe the biggest challenges that consume my life is the fact that I am n over weight female with underlying health complications such as chronic asthma. My asthma has gotten worse after having surgery and right after getting COVID-19. I have not been able to speak without using my inhaler right after. I am currently in the process of switching to a controlled inhaler with my doctor to get my breathing under control. In the upcoming semester I hope to get to be more active and lose at least 5 pounds or a max of 20. I want to make these changes because I would like to feel happy in my body. I constantly feel fatigue and sluggish. I would like feel energized and capable of all things. Spiritually I do not feel strong. I have lost my faith throughout the years and have never looked back. In the future I hope to develop mental peace and reduce my anxiety. The way I plan to do so is by training my mind to not over react to relatively simple situations. In order to do so I would like to meditate at least once a day for about an hour. 

My specific goals for my physical health this semester is to lose between 5 and 20 pounds. I would like to achieve this by going to the gym at least 3 times a week. In order to make sure I am accomplishing this goal I would like to tell my friends to make sure I am held accountable for my actions.  In addition to working out I would like to limit how much I eat out and cook my meals more often. On top of this I want to train myself with portion controlling. I have a bad habit of over eating or making more food that I am going to eat which does not help me gauge and limit how much I am eating. To hold myself accountable I plan to look at serving sizes on the packaging of foods and use the appropriate sizes. I would also like to cook at least 5 times a week and with doing this I would like to invite my friends to eat in order to make sure I actually cook.  Spiritually I would like to  get into meditation. The goal is to do so at least once a day everyday for at least an hour. My overall goal with this is to be able to use such meditation and breathing strategies in stressful situations in order for my to act more with my mind rather than my emotions. In order to measure this I would like to see a difference in the stress in my life as I go through my day to day routine.  
